How To Play Bad Company 2 Like A Pussy.


Okay, if you read this then you must be a pussy. But sometimes even a hero will use this technics. Remember this, sometimes the pussy ways are more effective. So let's start on how to play Bad Company 2 like a pussy.

  1.  Use recon with sniping rifle equipped with long range scope, high explosive damage/magnum bullet perk. Then go camp anywhere that are far away from enemies but enough for you to make a kill. Also don't forget to call your teammate a noob if they didn't give you ammo.
  2. Use assault with any weapon and perks that you comfortable with. Then go to enemy base and spawnkill/baserape them. If the kills cam is on. always change the location right after you kill the enemy so they can't find you.Also don't forget to call them noob each time you kill them.
  3. Be a pilot in a chopper with smoke perk. get a co-pilot with a warhead perk. Then fly the chopper within base and both spam the enemies. Don't forget to accuse other team that they are baseraping when they try to shoot you.
  4. Get on to any AA/VASD and spam all the enemies you see specially the chopper. Don't forget to run when you see tank coming.
  5. Use engineer with any weapon and equip it with extra explosives, mines, and high explosive damage perk. then plant the mines at places that enemy tanks like to pass through just right outside the enemy base. Don't forget to laugh BWAHAHAHA!!! when the enemy tank exploded and killed the driver.
  6. Drive the Humvee or ride the Quad bike to any hot recons camping sites and run them over to make a really nice road kill. Don't forget to run far away when you done.
  7. Use assault with a tracer dart. Hide in enemy base and tag all the vehicles there when it started to move. Don't forget to give your team a shout out when the moving vehicles have been tagged.
  8. Use engineer with any main weapon and tube. Get the extra explosive and high explosive damage perk. Ask teammate for ammo box then spam the tube to all the enemies specially that are in group.
  9. Use engineer with any perks you comfortable with. Take the tank and camp it anywhere far from enemies and spam it there specially when you see spotted enemies. If it safe enough, spam it into enemy base.
  10. And the best one, get or buy Bad Company 2 hack. Use it as you don't know how to play like normal players do or for a good and nice self motivation, say to yourself and pretend that your arms are cripple and need to use hack so you can play Bad Company 2 game. When others tell you that you are using hack, deny it and reply back by saying that they are noobs and need to play more to become a pro like you.
Good Luck & Have Fun LOLs~~~(^_^)/
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