Streamyx Unifi - How To Open Blocked Website

You should know by now that Streamyx and Unifi are blocking websites that have anything to do with download. For example Streamyx and Unifi user can't open and some other websites. So how to open these websites? Just follow these simple steps. =)

Window 7

  1. Click START and go to Control Panel.

  2. In Network and Internet, click on View network status and tasks.
    View network status and tasks

  3. At the left side menu, click on Change adapter settings.
    Change adapter settings
  4. Right click on Local Area Connection (the one you currently use) and click on Properties.
    Right click > Properties

  5. In Networking tab, double click on Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4).
    Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)

  6. In Use the following DNS server addresses, change the Streamyx/Unifi DNS to Google/Cloudflare DNS and click OK.
    Google Preferred DNS server:
    Google Alternate DNS server:
    Preferred DNS server:
    Cloudflare Alternate
     DNS server:

  7. Disable network adapter by right click on the Local Area Connection and click Disable.
    Local Area Connection > click Disable

  8. Right click on Local Area Connection again and this time choose Enable.
    Local Area Connection > Enable
Now you can open any websites that being block by Streamyx or Unifi like Fileserve or Piratebay. This technique also work on some other countries ISP.

For Wifi, just change the DNS in Wireless Properties. You also can do this inside your modem/router settings.
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