How To Play Like A Pro In Bad Company 2

Most of the guide on How To Play Like A Pro In Bad Company 2 already been told  in my previous post on How To Level Up Fast & Quick In Bad Company 2. Here I will just add some of the left out guide.

Before we get started, let see some of few Bad Company 2 language definition.
  • Uncap = Base (either your team base or enemy base)
  • AA = Russian Fighting Vehicle. Used as anti aircraft. Usually place at base or any require flag.
  • VADS = Same as AA but this is a Gatling Gun.
  • Camping = Sit at the same place without moving. You will get a lot of hate by doing this. If you really want to do this, at least spot or dart something.
  • Baserape = Also known as spawn kill where you kill enemy at their base.
  • Perk = Soldier specializations (Ex: Magnum Ammunition, Assault 4x Rifle Scope, etc)

  1. Spot Before Shooting The Enemy.
    - A pro always spot the enemy first. Why? Because it will help your squad or team win. Also might save your life while in battle. By spotting, you won't lose you sight on the enemy even when you can't see them specially in heavy smoke. If you can't spot them, tell your team the location in Chat Box. You can open the Chat Box by pressing the tild (~) button on the keyboard.
    *This is the most important part. Make sure you make this as a habit and you will never regret it.
  2. Always Spawn On Your Squad.
    - Best way to do this when any of your squad is shooting the enemy. See what kind of situation your squad is in and change to the best job class with perk that fit in. Also an easy way to get Best Squad pin.
  3. Use Every Vehicles Available.
    - Unlike any other first person shooter games, Bad Company 2 provide lots of vehicles for you to use. Use it all to your advantage. Add some perk to maximize your skills. Practice your piloting skill and range shooting in an empty server.
  4. Remember All The Hot Spots.
    - All maps have some special spots. Players tend to follow other player habits. For example for Recon, they like to hide in the bush or on top of the hill. Once you remember all these hot spots, you can knife your enemy quite easily. Just try spotting some odd place, you never know that there might be enemy hiding there.
  5. Always Follow Server Rules.
    - If the server rules told you you can't baserape, then don't do it.You either going to get kick out from the server or probably get server ban by the server admin. Plus you will look extremely stupid and childish by doing this. If you can't accept the rules, then try other server that allowed it.
  6. Don't Ever Compare Bad Company 2 With Real Army.
    - Bad Company 2 is a game. Although there are some similarity with the real world, a game is just a game. The only time you can use real warfare  strategies is when you are in some kind of tournament where your team already knew where to go and what to do. It is pointless to say your team is stupid in normal server because at that time all just play with no real strategy and mostly play by instinct.
  7. Never Play Seriously In Normal Server.
    - Okay, seriously I think you should get help if you tend to smash the keyboard or the joypad whenever you got killed. Otherwise, join the real army and help your country.
  8. Positive Thinking.
    - There are always an asshole trying ruin the game by destroying team vehicles in base or maybe teamkill. Be positive, it's not like without the vehicles you can't win. There are always a way. Don't spawn at base when this happen. If you have a teamkiller in your team, announce it in TeamChat. Usually there are people who like to "TeamBang" (Team Gangbang) this type of people. Otherwise, just logout and go find any other server. Best way is to donate to the server so you can get admin advantage. This way you can kick or even ban anyone you like.
Remember, Bad Company 2 mostly rely on points and not kills. Once I got 80 death and 30 kills but I'm still on top of the leaderboard. Most points I got just by using Medic class and support all players on my team. If you can't accept the system, I suggest you try play Modern Warfare or Counter-Strike which I think you'll be happy playing it.

More Tips
  • Always open the parachute at the last moment or when near the ground. You don't want to give the enemy a free kill don't you?
  • For Apache pilot, always try to perfect your skill on how to circle around the target with the crosshair that always on the target.
  • If you have a great co-pilot, use smoke perk to remove any dart on your chopper.
  • For Atacama & Heavy Metal map, controlling B flag is the key in controlling the map. Placed right in the center of the map with AA/VADS that is available for shooting down any flying vehicles.
  • Get the Specact Kit. With this kit, you will get extra pins and insignias. From my experience, I got a lot of kills when using the Specact if compare when using the default soldier. I don't know, maybe they feel nervous or something.
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