How To Find or Recover Your Wifi Wep Password (Windows 7)

*Note that this guide only show you how to find the wifi password in PC with Window 7. It will NOT show you how to hack your neighbour wifi connection.

This guide will be useful specially when you forgot your own wifi password and need to retrieve it back.

Just follow the following simple steps.

  1. Click 'START' and go to 'Control Panel'.
  2. In 'Network and Internet', click on 'View network and status tasks'.
  3. At the left side menu, click on 'Manage wireless networks'.
  4. Double click on the wireless network that you use and it will popup the 'Wireless Network Properties' window.
    *You can also right click and choose 'Properties' on the wireless network icon.
  5. Click on the 'Security' tab.
  6. Your wifi wep password is in the 'Network security key'.
    Click/Tick the 'Show characters' to to see the password in text mode.
    *Note that as you can see in the picture, you need Administrator access to do this.
Good Luck & Have Fun~~~(^_^)/

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