How To Make Youtube Always Play Low Quality Video

Do you ever notice that every time you change player size or go to full screen mode in Youtube and the video will start to download again? For me this is very annoying since I have a slow internet connection and have to wait the video to slowly stream while in pause mode. Lucky for me (and maybe you too) that Youtube provide a settings that will make Youtube video never change the resolution even when you are going to full screen or change the player size.

Just follow these simple steps below.

  1. Login to your Youtube account.
  2. On the Top Right of the Youtube website, click on your avatar picture (your Youtube account picture) and will drop down a settings.
  3. Under the Youtube section, click on "YouTube Settings".
  4. At the "Account settings" section, click on "Playback" option.
  5. In the "Video playback quality" section, tick "I have slow connection. Never play high-quality video" option.
    *You can choose the other option if you have a really high internet speed.

That's it for now. Good luck & have fun~~~(^_^)/

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